Arrow Fabricare has again jumped in to help out for the 5th year on the 9th annual Coats for Kids Campaign – beginning Monday, November 7th and continuing to collect through December 9th. Arrow is working in cooperation with KMBZ Radio to collect usable coats and winter jackets – and cash.

There’s always a need, and once again this year, the tough economy has put a an even bigger more painful crimp in lower-income budgets. When we can offer clean coats and jackets for school-age young people before the blustery onset of winter, it’s a wonderful help for so many families. Last year, more than 9,000 coats and jackets were collected, cleaned by Arrow and Pride, and distributed by volunteers from Sertoma and the U.S. Army to the Kansas City, Kansas, Kansas City, Missouri, Hickman Mills and the Independence school districts.
Again this year, Arrow will have a large coat collection box in the lobby at 39th and Troost. Arrow’s residential route customers are asked to separate, and clearly mark the bag with their donated coats. The Arrow route representative will gather the donated coats along with the customer’s regular order. Check your closet for outgrown and unused coats! All sizes are needed.
KMBZ Radio will be broadcasting live from Arrow’s Front Counter at the plant in midtown Kansas City, 3838 Troost Avenue, KCMO 64109. You are welcome to drop by and make a donation of a coat or some cash and have a little refreshment also. Live Broadcasts will be:4 pm to 6 pm – November 11th and 7 am to 9 am – November 30th. Thank you for helping make “Coats for Kids” a success again this year!