Bruce Gershon, CEO of Arrow Fabricare Services was the guest lecturer during a Family Business class at Johnson County Community College in south Overland Park, KS in early March. The course work that the students had been studying during the semester included much of the following syllabus of this integrated course of academic studies. Many of these students were members of families that run proprietorships and corporations in the Greater Kansas City area.
- What is a Family Business?
- Family Business statistics
- Family Business Challenges
- Management vs Family Issues
- Framework for Family Business
(three circle model of ownership/business/family - Owner Managed Businesses
- Generational Issues
- Genograms
- Career Development
- Policies

Bruce spoke informally with the class of students about his experiences as the third generation of the Gershon family to lead Arrow Fabricare Services since 1914. His remarks were very well received and he has been invited to return to a future class with other generations of the Gershon family participating…Bob, Bruce’s father who has worked for Arrow for over 60 years, and his son, Brad, who has recently been working with Arrow.